Finland Times

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Home NATIONALWoman allegedly kills man in Imatra
Thu, 07 Nov, 2013 03:56:01 AM
2 killed in road, rail accidents
FTimes-STT Report, November 7
A woman allegedly killed a man in his residence at Vuoksenniska area of Imatra on Tuesday. Police said the deceased was 49 years old.
South Karelia police began interrogating the suspected woman on Wednesday but declined to disclose details.
The reason behind the killing could not be known immediately.
Meanwhile, one person was ran over by a train near Jämsänkoski area on Wednesday resulting in disruption in rail communications between Tampere and Jyväskylä.
The accident delayed most of the trains that ply between Helsinki and Jyväskylä for more than one hour, railway sources said.
In another accident, one person was killed when a bus collided with a private car at Lehmäentie area on Wednesday evening.
Police and rescue members said the driver of the private car died on the spot.
The Rescue Department also said there was no passenger in the bus at the time of the accident and vehicular movement remained suspended for some time because of the accident.
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