Finland Times

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Home NATIONALVR to introduce new maintenance depot in Oulu
Sat, 30 Nov, 2013 03:32:31 AM
FTimes-STT Report, November 30
Photo - Lehtikuva.
The railway authority (VR) is expected to ensure better maintenance of trains after completion of the under construction new maintenance depot at Oulu by the end of this year, VR sources said.
In future the depot will act as a base for the rail traffic in Northern Finland. It will also help to keep the trains in schedule and reduce problems in the rail traffic during winter.
Snow and ice can also be melted in the new depot.
Maintenance and servicing of pendolino and intercity trains would also be possible in Oulu after completion of the depot.
In addition, maintenance of regional trains from Northern Finland will move from Turku to Oulu.
"The need for maintenance pits in Northern Finland is growing," said the CEO of VR Group, Mikael Aro, adding that “Rail traffic to Oulu will increase when renovation of the track is completed."
The construction of the depot cost about 50 million euros.
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