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Home NATIONALSDP nominates 13 candidates for EU parliamentary polls
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Mon, 02 Dec, 2013 04:46:20 AM
FTimes-STT Report, December 2
The SDP candidates for EU parliamentary polls. Photo – Lehtikuva.
The Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party-SDP) on Sunday nominated 13 candidates for the  upcoming European parliamentary elections scheduled for May next year.
The leaders of the SDP, second largest component of the six-party alliance government announced the name during the meeting of party council held in Salo.
The list of candidates included writer Timo Harakka, incumbent European parliament members   Liisa Jaakonsaari and Mitro Repo, and Finnish parliament member Ilkka Kantola.
Jutta Urpilainen, the Social Democratic Party's chairperson at National Executive meeting in Salo. Photo – Lehtikuva.
The party secretary, Reijo Paananen  said that the aim of the party is to add one seat to the currently two which they are already holding.
Other candidates named by the party are: Kimmo Kiljunen(Foreign Minister's Special Representative),members of parliament Johannes Koskinen, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri and  Riitta Myller,Janne Laulumaa, Kaisa Penny,Nasima Razmyar,EeroVainio and  Thomas Wallgren.
Other seven candidates will be named by  March when the party's council convenes.
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