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Home NATIONALPresident announces Independence awards
Wed, 04 Dec, 2013 04:54:56 AM
FTimes-STT Report, December 4

Prime Minister Jrki Katainen was awarded the highest independence day honour of Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun suurristi (Grand Cross of the White Rose of Finland) by the president.
Matti Alahuhta (company C.E.O  of KONE corporation),Ole Johansson (vuorineuvos) and Jan Store (former EU repesentative) were recipients of the  honoury award of Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun I komentaja (First Class Commander of the White Rose of Finland).

Tiina Astola (Chief of staff in the Ministry of Justice) was awarded Suomen Leijonan I komentaja (Commander, First Class, of the Order of the Lion of Finland)
Minister of Finance Jutta Urpilainen was also among one of the seven  recipients of  Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun komentaja  (Commander  of the White Rose of Finland) award.
Distinguished writer and film director  Jörn Donner was among the 42 persons awarded Suomen Leijonan komentaja ( Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland).

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