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Home NATIONALAarnio accused of spending EUR 200,000 undeclared money
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Thu, 05 Dec, 2013 03:47:40 AM
FTimes-STT Report, December 5
Helsinki narcotics police chief Jari Aarnio‘s construction to the road leading to the property described in Porvoo. Photo – Str/Lehtikuva.
The authority investigating into the corruption of the detained Helsinki drug unit police chief Jari Aarnio found huge amount of undeclared money spent by Aarnio.
The senior investigating officer, prosecutor Jukka Haavisto has confirmed that Aarnio spent more than EUR 200,000 from unknown sources, a Finnish language newspaper Helsingin Sanomat reported on Wednesday.
The money spent for his housing project under construction in Porvoo is much higher than the amount showed by the police officer from his salary and bank loans.
“From those estimates, there is inconsistency in the earning and expenditure,” Haavisto told STT.
Helsinki narcotics police chief Jari Aarnio. Photo – Lehtikuva.
Sources said that the plot was bought in the name of Aarnio's son and after which an application for construction permit was made.
The plot has been used to build a house, garage and sauna, although Aarnio's son did not have taxable income while his wife had zero income, said the newspaper report.
The net income of the detained police officer is about EUR 40,000 during the recent years.
Earlier, Aarnio was arrested on November 12 on charges of various crimes including taking bribes from a private company.
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