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Home NATIONALHelsinki, Tallinn sign int'l e-agreement
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Thu, 12 Dec, 2013 12:00:16 AM
FTimes- Xinhua Report, December 12
The agreement is believed to be the first international agreement to be concluded using electronic signatures.
The agreement involves Estonia's assistance to Finland in adopting the X-Road system, the "backbone" data exchange layer that connects the different databases used by the nation's various online services, said a statement by the Estonian Government Office on Wednesday.
The two nations will also join forces in developing the system further, including in cross-border data exchange and additional E-services.
Estonia, the birth nation of the world-wide popular online communication program Skype, has been in recent years concentrating on the E-voting, E-govement and E-society while trying to spread their advanced outcomes to the outside world.  
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