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Home NATIONALParliament rejects ban on alcoholic beverage advert
Thu, 12 Dec, 2013 04:39:42 AM
FTimes-STT Report, December 12
Beer at a supermarket. Photo - Lehtikuva.
Parliament on Wednesday rejected a plea for imposing ban on using images and slogans in the advertisement of alcoholic beverages.
The bill, led by the main opposition Suomen Keskusta (centre party), was rejected by a majority of lawmakers. A total of 70 members supported the proposal, while 99 lawmakers cast votes against the bill.
The parliament, however, approved the proposal placed for imposing ban on outdoor advertisement of alcoholic beverages but maintained that it should be allowed in public events and at sport venues.
The opposition also demanded ban on advertisements of alcoholic beverages during public events and at sporting venues.
Restricting the use of images and slogans in advertising alcoholic beverages was also subject of a heated debate in the previous parliament.
File Photo. Photo - Lehtikuva.
The bill on restricting alcohol advertisement was endorsed by over a hundred parliamentarians from both ruling and opposition parties.
On June 10, Health and Social Services Minister Susanna Huovinen said the authorities had succeeded in bringing down alcohol consumption in the country by 10% in recent years.
The Minister was addressing a session of the five-day global health conference in Helsinki.
“Restrictions will be imposed on the advertisement of alcohol in the social media,” the minister said adding that a bill to this effect would be drafted.
Such a bill will be the first of its kind in the world, the minister said.
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