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Home NATIONALStructural reforms adopted in parliament
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Sat, 14 Dec, 2013 04:25:57 AM
FTimes-STT Report, December 14
The Parliamentary adopts restructuring package by 102-70 votes. Photo – Lehtikuva.
The structural reform package announced by the government in late November was adopted by the parliament on Friday.
The proposal won the confidence of the House when 102 lawmakers cast votes in favour of it while 70 voted against it, parliament sources said.
The treasury bench voted together uniformly supporting the structural reform proposal, but the opposition lawmakers expressed lack of confidence in the government proposal on reforms.
The lawmakers of Suomen Kesksusta (Centre Party) and Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) observed they do not believe that the country's economy could be in good shape by the tabled measures.
Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen at press a press conference after the voting in parliament on Friday.Photo – Lehtikuva.
Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen previously stated that the government needed to prepare new decisions by next year so as to achieve the goals of the restructuring package.
The six-party alliance government on November 29 announced the structural reform package, curtailing budget from various sectors including the elderly care services.
The government expressed hopes that the tight structural reform package – prepared by reducing allocations for the elderly services and regional library network, and hiking childcare fees – would help the country face the tough economic situation.
The reforms, including issues like work leave, will continue together with reforms in the labour market organisation and the measures will lead to more strict terms and conditions.
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