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Home NATIONALTrafi, PRC involved in personal data sale
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Mon, 27 Jan, 2014 03:06:41 AM
FTimes-STT Report, January 27
File picture of Data Protection Ombudsman Reijo Aarnio. Photo Lehtikuva.
The Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi and Population Register Center are engaged in the sale of individual personal data for marketing purposes, reported a Finnish language newspaper Kaleva on Sunday.
The Kaleva report pointed out that the sale also included personal identification number.
According to Juha Kenraali, director in charge of information services and pricing department in Trafi, such data was only sold to insurance companies and inspection firms.
The Population Register Center, on the other hand, sells data to recovery agencies, Itella, banks and insurance companies, according to the report.
During the interview with the paper, Data Protection Ombudsman Reijo Aarnio said personal identification numbers should not be regarded as part of confidential data.
According to him, it should no longer be used for individual identification purposes.
"Personal identification number can be practically obtained by any person at any time," he said, adding that it is prone to the possibility of identity theft and can cause a lot of harm.
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