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Home NATIONALLaukaanjoki phosphorous level remains low
Wed, 29 Jan, 2014 12:25:29 AM
FTimes-STT Report, January 29
File picture of a water body. Photo Lehtikuva.
The level of phosphorous in Laukaanjoki River has remained low in concentrations, according to John Nurminen Foundation, a private Finnish organiation specialized in Baltic Sea protection.
Luga River high phosphorus concentrations decreased in the spring of 2012 when a surface run-off treatment system was installed near the Phosphorit fertiliser factory in Kingisep.
The treatment system operation also provided for independent international  monitoring and assessment.
The new results are based on samples that were taken from Luga River in the upper and the lower course in October, 2013 and in the beginning of this year.
The samples taken were analysed in laboratories in Russia  and Switzerland by the Russian  environmental agency and Atkins, a British consultancy firm.
The results showed that phosphorus concentrations in the water was at the same low level as was a year before.
The findings mean the Luga River would meet the current EU requirements for a  clean river, said Marjukka Porvari, eutrophication project director from the John Nurminen Foundation.
Phosphorus is a nutrient responsible  for eutrophication  which sustains for example, blue-green algae blooms.
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