Thu, 30 Jan, 2014 12:34:41 AM FTimes-STT Report, January 30 Centre Party parliamentary group chairman Kimmo Tiilikainen at a meeting in Helsinki on Wednesday. Photo – Lehtikuva. Main opposition party Suomen Keskusta (centre party) on Wednesday demanded that the government officially explained in parliament its stance on the municipal reforms and the proposed forced merger of municipalities.
Speaking in Helsinki at a meeting of the party’s parliamentary group, Kimmo Tiilikainen, chairmen of Suomen’s parliamentary group, wanted an explanation about whether the government was resolute on going forward with the forced merger plan and also the extent of support the proposal had from individual MPs within the parliamentary groups.
The party will seek support from other political parties to query the government on the move when the parliament convenes.
The centre party also wanted Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen to give the explanations in person in parliament, although the premier had already pointed out that the government would itself choose the respondents.
“A government release a couple of years ago revealed that the municipal reform was led by the prime minister,” Tiilikainen explained.
He added that not even decision makers from the region who belonged to the parties in the coalition government, had shown understanding or support for the plan.
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