Wed, 04 Jun, 2014 02:33:55 AM FTimes Report, June 4
Juha Uitto, a Finnish national now working for UNDP, has been selected to be the Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), according to a press release of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The post is by weight the second most important after the CEO and Chairperson of GEF and is considered highly respected internationally, said the release issued on Tuesday.
The task of the Independent Evaluation Office is to evaluate the effectiveness of GEF-funded projects and thereby to support the development of GEF's activities.
Juha Uitto transfers to his new job from the position of Deputy Director of the Independent Evaluation Office at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
GEF’s aim is to help developing countries and countries in economic transition to preserve biodiversity, prevent soil erosion, as well as to assist countries with measures to counter climate change.
GEF functions as the financing mechanism for many international environment agreements and it has 183 member countries.
Since 1991, GEF has funded almost 3,700 projects in 165 countries, for a total of about 9.2 billion euros.
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