Mon, 11 Aug, 2014 02:22:59 AM FTimes-STT Report, August 11
Several cars in Kempele were set on fire in the early morning on Sunday, said the Oulu police.
The police found a burning vehicle in front of a shop at Kirkkotie shortly before 3:00am.
The moving car apparently hit the wall of the shop.
Later on, the same night, another car on the same street was set on fire. According to the police, the fire had been lit from outside the car. Residents living nearby extinguished the fire.
Two other vandalised vehicles were also found on the same night and it was evident that there was an attempt to set one of those cars on fire.
Another car was completely burnt at six o’clock in the morning. Preliminary investigation indicates the fire started from inside the car.
A man was stopped at two of the scenes.
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