Finland Times

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Home NATIONALNew law on inspection of large halls on cards
Mon, 08 Sep, 2014 03:03:02 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 8
A new law on the inspection of halls with large capacity is expected to come in force in autumn or during winter, reported the Finnish language daily Savon Sanomat.
The new law would require owners to inspect the safety of halls with large capacity.
Construction counsellor Teppo Lehtinen from the environment ministry said the law will apply to almost 20,000 buildings in the country.
“The bill is currently under consultation and the goal is to get the law in force as soon as possible in this government’s term,” said Lehtinen.
The bill proposes that a building whose size is at least a thousand square metres with a span of at least 18 metres should be inspected by an expert to check for possible collapse risk and prevention.
In February last year, one child died in an accident at a manege in Laukaa.
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