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Home NATIONALDrive begins against errant vehicle tyres
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Tue, 09 Sep, 2014 03:00:02 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 9

The police on Monday launched a drive in different parts of the country against errant tyres of vehicles.

The drive is aimed at inspecting the tyres of at least 12,000 vehicles.

Last autumn the police conducted a similar drive and found one-fifth of the tyres in a bad condition.

The Tyre Safety Campaign is organised by the Tyre Association. Traffic Safety and the police are concerned about summer tyre condition.

The weather condition in last summer and the economic crisis have prompted people to use poor tyres.

During the previous drives the police found even 10-year-old tyres on vehicles. About 15 per cent of motorists drove with debilitated tyres.

The law requires summer tyres to have at least 1.6mm groove depth, but the safety recommendation in wet conditions is for at least 4mm. The campaign organisers point out that the tyre-tread depth affects the brake travel significantly, especially in wet conditions.


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