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Home NATIONALHelsinki City to boost bicycle use
Sat, 13 Sep, 2014 12:01:10 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 13
File picture of bicycles. FTimes Photo.
Helsinki plans to increase the number of bicycles in the city in the coming years in an attempt to enlarge the share of bicycles in the city’s traffic.
The city bicycle scheme was approved by the Helsinki City Transport-HKL on Thursday.
The city envisages having 1,500 bicycles and 500 bicycle stations by 2018.
The city bicycle scheme will cover the inner city neighborhoods of Munkkiniemi, Pasila and Kumpula.
File Photo – Lehtikuva.
Invitations to tender for the new city bicycles will be sent this autumn.
“The city bicycle scheme will complement service offering where public transport routes fall short. The scheme is intended first and foremost for the urban residents,” said Helsinki City Transport Development Manager Artturi Lähdetie in a release.
The scheme will be funded by money obtained from user charges, cooperate funding as well as the City of Helsinki, said KHL.
The city will invest up to 4.95 million euros at an estimated annual cost of up to 2 million euros.
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