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Home NATIONALParents adopt stricter attitude to teenage alcohol consumption
Sat, 13 Sep, 2014 12:02:09 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 13
Photo – Lehtikuva.
Parents are increasingly taking a harder line when it comes to teenage use of alcohol.
This information is based on a National Institute for Health and Welfare-THL survey conducted in 2012.
Around one in four fathers and one in three mothers strongly forbid the use of alcohol by their teenage children aged 15 to 17 years.
In 2006, the strict attitude on alcohol use by teenagers was adopted by one in four parents.
Fewer than half of the parents allowed their children aged 15-17 to enjoy a glass of alcoholic beverage within the family precincts. While in 2012, this position was allowed by only a quarter of the parents.
Kirsimarja Raitasalo, a senior researcher at THL, says there has been a statistical reflection of the attitudes becoming stricter.
Societal debate on the issue may have played a role in parents becoming stricter. More stringent regulation on retail sale of alcohol and their information also may have had an influence on the attitudes, explains Raitasalo.
One in every 10 parents allowed their children to make their own choices on alcohol use. This figure has remained almost identical from 2006 to 2012.
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