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Home NATIONALFinland grants EUR 2 million for strengthening Myanmar democracy
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Mon, 15 Sep, 2014 12:03:19 AM
FTimes-Xinhua Report, Sept 15


The UN Development Program (UNDP), in partnership with Finland, will support Myanmar's democratic governance, according to the UN organization here Sunday.

Under an agreement signed between the two parties, Finland will contribute 2 million euros (2.6 million U.S. dollars) towards the work of the UNDP in strengthening the democratic governance in Myanmar.

UNDP is working with the Myanmar government, parliament, judiciary and civil society to promote democratic governance, the rule of law and advancement of human rights in order to support the country's reform and strengthen foundation for inclusive growth and sustainable development in Myanmar.

At the signing ceremony, UNDP Country Director Toily Kurbanov said, Finland's fund will contribute to the achievement of Myanmar 's priorities in the areas of improving planning and statistical capacity, enhancing legislative process, supporting the rule of law and enhancing civil service, while Finnish Charge d'Affaires Jarmo Kuuttila voiced commitment to supporting Myanmar's transition process.  The signing took place on the occasion of an official visit to Myanmar by UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Assistant Administrator Xu Haoliang.

UNDP's democratic governance work in Myanmar is also financially supported by Australia, Denmark and Japan.

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