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Home NATIONALVietnam seeks economic cooperation with Finland
Thu, 25 Sep, 2014 12:01:32 AM
Hoang Trung Hai begins 4-day visit to Helsinki
FTimes Report, Sept 25
Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai on Wednesday arrived in Finland on a four-day official visit.
During the visit the deputy prime minister will visit Finnish enterprises and meet representatives of business and industry, said an official press release.
A number of high officials of the Vietnamese government are accompanying Trung Hai.
Trung Hai will meet Prime Minister Alexander Stubb, Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade Lenita Toivakka and Minister of Economic Affairs Jan Vapaavuori during his visit. 
The ministers will discuss development of trade and economic relations between Finland and Vietnam as well as regional issues. In addition, Trung Hai’s entourage will visit Finnish enterprises with expertise in environmental technology.
Vietnam has been one of Finland’s long-term development aid recipients, but with the country’s rapid economic growth in recent years the relationship is shifting to other forms of cooperation.
In future, during the transition phase, Finland emphasizes creation of new partnerships, and there is the wish to develop cooperation in a number of different sectors such as education, research, culture, economy and trade.
The EU is negotiating on a free trade agreement with Vietnam, which will also open up new opportunities for Finnish enterprises.
Vietnamese markets with potential for Finland are, for instance, information technology, energy and environment sectors, water supply and sewerage, pulp and woodworking industry, forestry, chemical industry and education sector.
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