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Home NATIONALDefence Forces to set up anti-cyber threat unit
Fri, 26 Sep, 2014 12:10:12 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Sept 26
Armed Forces commander, Lt. Gen. Jarmo Lindberg.File Photo – Lehtikuva.
The Defence Forces is to set up a special unit which will specialise in cyber wars, reported the national broadcasting company YLE.

Commander of the Defence Forces Jarmo Lindberg told YLE that the unit will begin operating early next year.

The task of the unit will be to improve the Armed Forces information networks and information system security.

The operational details of the unit were not disclosed.

According to YLE, the goal of the unit’s operation is to offer protection against advanced malicious software.

According to Lindberg, the unit would be comprised of about a dozen people.
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