Sun, 30 Nov, 2014 12:07:51 AM Impact of Archbishop’s comment on same-sex marriage bill FTimes – STT Report, Nov. 30 Archbishop Kari Mäkinen. File Photo – Lehtikuva. A record number of people left membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church on Saturday following the remarks of Archbishop Kari Mäkinen on Friday’s parliamentary approval of same-sex marriage in Finland.
As many as 2,831 members notified their resignation from the church through, a website of Vapaa-Agattelija (Free-thinkers) union, on Saturday.
Earlier, on Friday, 2,600 people had resigned after the archbishop’s comment.
There was an option in the website for the church-leavers to inform about their resignation.
Vapaa-Agattelija union Chairman Petri Karisma said most of the members who resigned pointed out that they were leaving as the archbishop supported the decision of the parliament.
“The Church of Finland completely lost the way of truth of the Bible,” commented one of the members on the website narrating the reason for resignation.
According to Karisma, most of the people who resigned were men and elderly.
The number of resignations in the countryside of different provinces was much higher than that in big cities in the south and the capital region.
“Apparently the church is boiling inside badly,” Karisma remarked.
Archbishop Kari Mäkinen on Friday said he was delighted at the result of the voting in the parliament. He praised the citizens’ initiative for gender-neutral marriage as a significant work.
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