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Home NATIONALSote proposal tabled in parliament
Wed, 10 Dec, 2014 12:01:10 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Dec. 10
Minister of Health and Social Services Susanna Huovinen spoke in the parliament on the Sote reform bill on Tuesday. Photo – Lehtikuva.
The parliament has received the controversial social welfare and health care reform, the so-called Sote reforms.
The reform proposal was presented by Minister of Health and Social Services Susanna Huovinen, who said the proposal has striven to avoid contradicting the constitution.
Nevertheless, some aspects must be handled carefully by the parliament’s Constitutional Law Committee as well as from the perspective of internal governance of municipalities.
Huovinen said it took 35 meetings of the steering group and more than 130 hours of negotiation sessions to prepare the proposal.
Huovinen called on the Constitutional Law Committee to make the Sote reform one of the most significant policy of the millennium.
The minister believes the committee should strike a balance between improvement of the national welfare and needs for self-governance.
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