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Home NATIONALPeople with foreign background stands at 300,000
Thu, 11 Dec, 2014 12:07:44 AM
FTimes Report, Dec. 11
Population with foreign background in 1990–2013. Source: Population Structure 2013, Statistics Finland.
There were 301,524 persons with foreign background living in Finland at the end of 2013, which was 5.5 per cent of the entire population, according to Statistics Finland.
There were 256,241 persons of first generation with foreign background, that is born abroad, and 45,283 persons of second generation with foreign background, that is born in Finland, the data show.
Examined by continent, 59 per cent of all persons with foreign background were European. The share of persons with Asian background was 24 per cent and that of persons with African background was 12 per cent.
The clearly largest group of persons with foreign background was those from Russia or the former Soviet Union.
Population with foreign background by age, 2013. Source: Population Structure 2013, Statistics Finland.
The next biggest groups were people of Estonian background 40,990, of Somali background, 15,723, and of Iraqi background, 11,942, according to the statistics.
At the end of 2013, altogether 153,007 of persons with foreign background were men and 148,517 were women, the data say.
The share of men among persons with foreign background was 51 per cent and it has been slowly growing during the 2000s. 
The share of men was highest among those with British background, of whom 80 per cent were men.  
Share of foreign citizens in EU 27 countries (%) in 2012. Source: Population Structure 2013, Statistics Finland.
As many as 85 per cent of Thai background and 71 per cent of those with Filipino background were women.     
In 2013, Finland's migration gain was record high, as 18,048 more persons moved to the country than left it.
A majority of net migration consisted of migrants born in EU countries as per the data. 
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