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Home NATIONALPolice force to be strengthened next year
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Thu, 11 Dec, 2014 12:06:44 AM
FTimes - STT Report, Dec. 11
National Police Commissioner Mikko Paatero. File Photo Lehtikuva.
Strength of the police will be reinforced next year through additional recruitment, reported the Finnish provincial daily Keskisuomalainen.
According to the report, the state will recruit additional 50 to 100 officers who will be assigned to investigative and field-work duties.
National Police Commissioner Mikko Paatero told the newspaper that the exact number of the new officers in regional placements will be made clear before Christmas.
Paatero said funding for the new police officers will come from national projects.
File Photo Lehtikuva.
The police boss, however, could not precisely establish how many officers will be assigned permanent positions, even though there is a consideration to cut down the use of fixed-term contracts.
From spring next year, the police will start using a national service number. According to Paatero, the service number will reduce the pressure on police departments.
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