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Home NATIONALParliamentary debate on Finland-Russia relations proposed
Thu, 18 Dec, 2014 12:20:49 AM
FTimes - STT Report, Dec. 18
The chair of the parliament Constitutional Law Committee Johannes Koskinen spoke at the plenary session of parliament on Wednesday. Photo – Lehtikuva.
Johannes Koskinen, the chair of the parliament Constitutional Law Committee believes that debate on the policy of Finland-Russia relations should be held in the parliament.
Taking part in the parliament budget discussion, Koskinen said the issue is stirring both party and national interest and it would be important in these serious times to have a clear distinction of what is the Finnish government policy and what are the politics of the day with regard to party-specific struggles.
He said the matter could be submitted as an urgent debate or through Prime Minister's announcement when parliament resumes session in January.
The debate, according to Koskinen would compel parliamentary groups to ponder over Finnish policy with regard to its foreign and security policy as well as the EU common foreign and security policy.
Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja welcomed the proposal pointing out that the matter is in the hands of parliament.
“I understand very well that there is need to have a debate on this matter too,” said Tuomioja.
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