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Home NATIONALPolice catch suspected garage bomber in Korsnas
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Thu, 18 Dec, 2014 09:19:41 PM
FTimes - Xinhua Report, Dec. 18


Police caught on Thursday afternoon the suspected perpetrator in garage bombing in Korsnas, a small town in western Finland.

The suspect is a middle-aged man, according to local media.

A bomb explosion happened in a carport in Korsnas on Thursday morning, leaving one seriously injured.

According to local police, the injured was a woman who went to a car in the garage, when a bomb exploded beside the car. The victim has been sent to hospital for treatment.

The car and the garage were severely damaged in the bombing, said police.

Police have cordoned off the area and evacuated residents living nearby the scene.

The case was suspected of attempted murder by police.

According to latest information, the 60-year-old injured woman is still in the hospital, but she is not in a critical condition.

However, the suspect's motivation, the bomb type and other details are still under police investigation.


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