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Home NATIONALSuspected Oulu axe killer dies in police operation
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Thu, 15 Jan, 2015 09:21:26 PM
FTimes-Xinhua Report, Jan 15

A suspected axe attacker was caught in a midnight operation and later died of injuries, Finnish national broadcaster Yle reported on Thursday.

     The man was believed to have killed two persons with an axe in a pub in Oulu, a northern city of Finland on Wednesday evening.

     His motive was not clear, said Mikko Paatero, National Police Commissioner of Finland.

     The suspect was shot by the police in the operation after attacked a police officer with an axe, said the police in a press conference.

     The attacked officer was slightly injured, said Paatero, who claimed that the police had acted properly and was on "self-defense."

     The Finnish National Bureau of Investigation has started an investigation, said Yle. 

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