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Home NATIONAL20,000 foreign nationals granted residence permits in 2014
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Fri, 16 Jan, 2015 03:55:18 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Jan 16
Immigration Service's Director General Jaana Vuorio released information on immigration, asylum seekers and foreign residents of 2014 in Helsinki on Thursday. Photo Lehtikuva.
The Finnish immigration Service issued a first residence permit to 20,371 foreign nationals in 2014 confirmed the authority through an official press release.
“In the light of the data, the situation with immigration seems to be stable at the moment,” said Jaana Vuorio, Director General of the Finnish Immigration Service.
The number of asylum seekers in Europe has continued to grow and in Finland it increased by 13 percent in 2014, revealed Vuorio.
Senior Adviser Rafael Bärlund, who is responsible for the statistical summary revealed that the highest number of permits was issued to persons who applied for a residence permit on the basis of family ties (6,774), for studies (5,611) or for working (5,062).
The second highest number of residence permits was issued to persons who sought asylum in Finland. In total, 1,346 persons received international protection under Finnish legislation.
They came mainly from Iraq, Somalia and Russia, said the release.
Finland also increased its refugee quota in 2014 and admitted 1,030 quota refugees from Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan.
In 2014, some 8,499 persons acquired Finnish citizenship. The clear majority of those who were granted citizenship were Russians (2,343).
The Finnish Immigration Service said a detailed overview will be published in March.
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