Finland Times

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Home NATIONALGovt recommendation on sick leave Wednesday
Sun, 14 Jun, 2015 12:11:15 AM
FTimes-STT Report, June 14
File picture of woman in office. Photo – Lehtikuva.
A working group for the Ministry of Social Welfare and Health is expected to issue next Wednesday its recommendations related to the duration of sick leave, said Finnish language tabloid Iltalehti.
The working group has investigated whether doctors can recommend the duration for sick leave. Their aim is to reduce sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders and mental health problems.
"Doctors have had difficulties determining what the correct duration of sick leave is, for example, for depression," says EK specialist Jan Schugk to Iltalehti.
Almost half of all absences due to illness are caused by musculoskeletal problems and mental health issues.
Last year, according to Tilastokeskus, Finns took 21.7 million days of sick leave.
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