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Home NATIONALFour injured in Savonlinna ski slope accident
Sun, 14 Jun, 2015 01:52:14 AM
FTimes-STT Report, June 14
Four drunk men were injured as their car spun around while sliding down Savonlinna's Lekotti ski slopes. 
According to police, the men had driven up the slope in an SUV and lost control, spinning the vehicle into the trees.
According to the rescue department, three of the men were transported by ambulance and one by helicopter for treatment.
According to the police, they were initially told that another man had fled the site of the accident. Police dogs, however, were unable to find any other people.
All the men rescued from the accident were adults.
According to on-duty manager Joni HImberg, the accident occurred in hard-to-reach terrain, and the rescuers were forced to take ATVs to reach the scene.
"I got the impression that the four were celebrating something," he says.
The rescue department was informed of the accident shortly before six in the morning. The police are investigating.
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