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Home NATIONALBridge collapses in Mikkeli
Tue, 16 Jun, 2015 12:09:20 AM
FTimes – STT Report, June 16
A bridge scheduled for demolition collapsed on Viitostie in Mikkeli on Monday. Photo – Lehtikuva.
A bridge scheduled for demolition collapsed on Viitostie in Mikkeli on Monday noon. 
The road was closed as soon as the collapse happened, but a few cars drove under the bridge on the Rinnekatu side, says Destia’s site manager Aki Loikkanen. According to him, the matter is being investigated. No damage was caused to people or vehicles.
The news was reported first by YLE.
The so-called Brahenkuja bridge was a pedestrian one that went over Lahdentie.
The bridge was intended to be demolished during the day, with the final work continuing at night due to the traffic obstruction it would cause. 
However, the bridge collapsed immediately from the demolition work, completely blocking the road. 
There were a number of police patrols controlling the traffic, which resumed in the afternoon. The police are investigating the cause of the collapse.
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