Finland Times

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Home NATIONAL3 tourists killed in an explosion in Karelia
Tue, 16 Jun, 2015 02:15:25 AM
FTimes- STT Report, June 16
A wartime bomb exploded killing three people in Karelia near the Finnish border on Friday, reported Russian news agency Respublika.
According to the news agency, the victims were Moscovite tourists. Three other people were injured in the explosion.
The explosion took place in the Republic of Karelia near Pääjärvi, close to the border with Kuusamo.
The Kuusamo Border Patrol Station said they heard about the incident but could not confirm.
The investigation prerogative falls within the Russian authorities.
The news about the incident in the country was reported by, among others, Finnish language daily Koillissanomat and national broadcaster Yle.
According to Yle, the incident was due to careless handling of explosives.
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