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Home NATIONALFinnish and Swedish resistance movements are same
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Tue, 04 Aug, 2015 12:14:56 AM
FTimes-STT Report, Aug 4
Nordic Resistance website. Photo Lehtikuva.
Nordic Resistance Movement spokesman Pär Öberg told the Finnish news agency STT that the Finnish and Swedish resistance movements are the same, with the same central organisation. 
The Movement’s leader is Sweden’s Klas Lund, who, according to the Expressen newspaper, was convicted, among other things, for robbing a bank and killing.
According to Öberg, the Movement is a hierarchical organisation that works like a company. Members have, however, in his view, freedom to act independently.
Öberg says that the ideology of the organisation is based on Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism, or Nazism, but has been updated. The Movement’s main objective is “to prevent the mixing of races with each other.”
“Neo-Nazi is a misnomer. We are National Socialists, but we do not fight for the Third Reich and Aryan supremacy. Now, it is more important to us that immigration is tainting our Nordic race.”
The Neo-Nazi group Finnish Resistance Movement staged violent demonstration in Jyväskylä on Saturday and the police detained seven people including two Swedish nationals in this connection.
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