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Home NATIONALDiscussants term regulation most important factor for sustainability
Wed, 05 Aug, 2015 12:04:34 AM
Discussion on Cleantech Summit held
FTimes Report, Aug 5
Discussants at brainstorming sessions ahead of the Global Cleantech Summit 2015 agreed that action, not only words, and regulations were the most important factors to get the world to the next level of sustainability, said a press release of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
The Global Cleantech Summit will take place in Helsinki on 8-10 September. The brainstorming was opened in February 2015 and will be going on even after the conference.
“Most of the solutions already exist; the question is how to accelerate the transformation. There shouldn't be too different levels of regulation in different parts of the world so that solutions can gain enough ground,” said Janne Jauhiainen of research company Fountain Park, summing up the results of brainstorming.
Testing new solutions should be made easier through simplifying legislation.
The sustainable solutions should be economically feasible for both individuals and organizations, according to the preparatory discussion on the Summit.
The discussants said with legislation it is possible to ease rapid testing and demand the implementation of sustainable solutions.
The largest potential lies in the contributory role of every individual and shifting of the role from a passive consumer to an active contributor, they added.
“Through possibilities like social media and internet, linking the ideas of people will enable the transformation to truly begin”, commented a participant at the brainstorming.
Bio-economy, cleantech and digitalization can be the basis for the next industrial revolution. Utilizing Big Data provided by cities and municipalities to optimize the processes of circular economy can be a major breakthrough of economically lucrative cleantech implementations visible both to industry and households.
Up to date, 1300 people took part in the preparations of the Global Cleantech Summit 2015 via the accompanying virtual brainstorming rounds.
Most of the participants have been from Finland and other European countries, but there were participants also from all over the world.
The Global Cleantech Summit is a discussion platform over the concrete actions to be taken. It offers insights and business contacts to the solutions and global success stories. It is coordinated by the Cleantech Strategic Programme and executed with multiple partners representing the forefront of cleantech in Finland.
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