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Home NATIONALAnother girl killed in accident at pedestrian crossing
Thu, 17 Sep, 2015 12:03:31 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Sep 17
cyclist to cross the crosswalk in Helsinki. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
A young girl died in an accident which happened at a pedestrian crossing in Ylöjärvi, Pirkanmaa region on Wednesday afternoon.
According to the police, the girl was hit by a car at the intersection of Vanhankouluntie and Kivijärventie at 4:30pm.
The girl died at the scene of the accident. The police, however, refused to divulge details of the accident.
Apparently there were no traffic lights at the pedestrian crossing. The news of the accident was first run by Iltalehti, a Finnish language tabloid.
In August, an 11-year-old girl died after she was run over by a lorry in Tampere.
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