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Home NATIONALSuspected human traffickers held in Tornio
Mon, 21 Sep, 2015 02:05:53 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Sep 21
Finnish border guard. File Photo Lehtikuva.
The Finnish Border Guard and the police in Tornio detained two suspected human traffickers over the weekend.
According to lead investigator Jarkko Kynkäänniemi, in all five persons have been arrested this week. Two of them are still in police custody.
The men are suspected of bringing a total of 20 people from Sweden by car since the beginning of August receiving a few hundred euros in return.
The trips were made from the Swedish border towns of Haparanda and Luleå to Tornio and Kemi.
The suspects are of Finnish, Swedish, Serbian and Iraqi nationalities some of whom have lived in Finland and some in Sweden.
Kynkäänniemi told the news agency STT that the men are suspected of taking advantage of the ignorance of the needy refugees. According to Kynkäänniemi, the refugees should have taken a bus to Finland which is cheaper.
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