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Home NATIONALPerussuomalaiset demands sending refugees back
Tue, 22 Sep, 2015 12:02:07 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Sep 22
True Finns Party parliamentary group chairman Sampo Terho. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
The ruling Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) on Monday demanded that asylum seekers that come from Sweden should be turned back. 
The basis of its demand is the Dublin Convention, according to which, application for asylum must be handled within the EU country where an asylum seeker first arrives.
Perussuomalaiset Parliamentary Group Chairman Sampo Terho in a statement said the entire common immigration policy is for nothing, if the EU stops observing the Dublin regulation.
“Now is the time to recognise reality and move forward. We have to send back the asylum seekers that come from Sweden, and instruct them to apply for asylum in the Schengen country in which they first arrived,” said Terho.
According to Terho, Finland bears its own responsibility for the refugee problem, in the form of quotas that have already been met. The alternative¬--the current uncontrolled flow of refugees--does not work and is not in anyone’s interests.
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