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Home NATIONALPolice officers suspected of nepotism in Oulu
Thu, 24 Sep, 2015 12:05:44 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Sep 24
File Photo – Lehtikuva.
Police officers in the Oulu traffic safety centre are suspected of having nullified speeding tickets for their colleagues and acquaintances. The suspicions concern situations where speeding drivers were caught by speed cams. 
According to the prosecutor, in some cases, the sentence has been commuted to a written warning. The suspected criminal offenses occurred during 2010-2012.
The centre's team leader and deputy team leader have been accused of misusing official position and breach of duty. 
Police director Seppo Kolehmainen considers the matter serious if the suspects are convicted of the crimes. According to the prosecutor, the suspects deny having committed any offense.
“When you work in an official capacity and if you act contrary to your professional responsibilities, I consider it very serious. None of these offenses will be brushed under the rug, even if it only comes down to fines,” said Kolehmainen.
Misuse of official position is punishable by a fine or up to two years in prison. Violators of official duty can also be subject to a fine or imprisonment not exceeding one year. In addition, an officer may lose his official status.
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