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Home NATIONALNordic PMs for fortifying borders
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Sun, 04 Oct, 2015 12:04:13 AM
Refugee issue discussed in Nordic council meeting
FTimes – STT Report, Oct 4
Prime Minister Juha Sipilä called for a European solution to the crisis as well as for a strengthening of external borders. On the north’s internal borders and operations therein, the ministers were quieter.
“This problem always returns to its roots: that our external borders do not hold. Everyone wants to act now in support of strengthening our borders,” Sipilä said outside of Marienborg manor, on the outskirts of Copenhagen.
The Nordic leaders were very reluctant to criticise each other’s policies regarding the refugee crisis, though differences between the countries’ practices were discussed.
“We must not just criticise each other, but rather we must focus on resolving the crisis that forced people to become refugees,” said Swedish PM Stefan Löfven.
Sipilä told his colleagues in Denmark that a recent forecast predicted an estimated 50,000 asylum-seekers arriving in Finland this year.
“I spoke of the situation in Finland, and colleagues were surprised by how many applicants we have compared to our base population. These forecasts are predicting up to one per cent of our base population in applicants,” Sipilä said.
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