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Home NATIONALParish employee found guilty of fraud
Tue, 06 Oct, 2015 01:48:40 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Oct 6
An office employee who worked for a group of parishes in Espoo was on Monday handed a one-year conditional imprisonment for fraud totaling over euro 100,000.
According to the verdict of the court, the woman ordered huge number of envelopes and postage stamps in the name of the group of the parishes in the years 2006 to 2010.
The woman then sold the stamps and envelopes online and pocketed the money.
She admitted to have taken the envelopes illegally but denied having done the same with postage stamps. The woman told the court that she had gained euro 28,000 from the envelopes.
The court considered the offence to be aggravated because the sum was large, the offence was carried out over a long period of time and that she took advantage of a trusted relationship.
The woman was also fined euro 118,000 as compensation to her former employer.
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