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Home NATIONALEurope needs more integration: Stubb
Thu, 08 Oct, 2015 01:26:13 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Oct 8
Finance Minister Alexander Stubb. File Photo Lehtikuva
Finance Minister Alexander Stubb addressed students in Bruges, Belgium on the situation in the European Union while at the same time German and French leaders spoke on the same subject in Strasbourg, France.
Stubb’s conclusion concurred with that of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande that the EU needs deeper integration to overcome the crisis.
According to Stubb, Europe is in a similar crossroads as was after the end of Second World War and the Cold War.
“Now, as it was then, the answer should be more and not less integration,” Stubb told College of Europe students.
For Stubb, the speech was personal since he graduated from the same university where he studied together with his wife.
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