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Home NATIONALMajority Finns for stricter criteria for Iraqi refugees
Sat, 10 Oct, 2015 12:06:07 AM
170 asylum seekers arrive from Sweden on Friday
FTimes - STT Report, Oct 10
Asylum seekers wait to be Transported further on registration at the refugee reception center in the northern town of Tornio, Finland on September 25, 2015. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
Majority of Finnish people want stricter criteria to assess the asylum applications of the Iraqi refugees, according to the results of a survey conducted by Finnish commercial broadcaster MTV.
According to the survey, 87 percent of the respondents believe that requirements for granting asylum to Iraqis should be tightened, of which 61 percent in this group were of the opinion that the criteria of granting asylum to Iraqis should be made even more harder.
The vast majority of asylum seekers arriving in the country in recent months, about 70 percent of all new arrivals come from Iraq.
Eight percent of the respondents want the criteria to remain unchanged. Only two percent of the respondents supported the loosening of the criteria for granting asylum.
The opinion to tighten the criteria was consistent in all age groups, however, the youngest respondents were most critical. 
There was not notable difference in the response between men and women.
Around 1,300 Finns were interviewed during the survey conducted via online panel. The margin of error was +/-3.
Meanwhile, around 170 new refugees arrived in the country from Sweden through Tornio border on Friday, police said.
The number of new arrivals has been declining compared to last week.
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