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Home NATIONALFugitive captured after escaping in November
Tue, 22 Dec, 2015 12:01:42 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Dec 22
Nikita Bergenström. File Photo – Lehtikuva.
Escaped fugitive Nikita Bergenström also known as Juha Valjakkala was arrested late Sunday even-ing in Kallio, Helsinki.
The police caught the man in the attic of an apartment building on Hämeentie. He did not resist ar-rest.
The police had been looking for Bergenström for days before finding him in the apartment. 
When the police officers came to him, he broke a window in the roof and fled into the attic.
Bergenström has been held at the Jokela open prison, from where he left on November 18 and did not return. 
He is currently awaiting a disciplinary penalty.
The Deputy Director of Prison, Heidi Meling confirmed that Bergenström has been brought back to the prison. 
Normal practice dictates that prisoners are first given a chance to speak before possible sanctions are levied.
MTV reported first on the man's apprehension on Monday morning.
Bergenström is infamous for a triple murder in Sweden's Åmsele in 1988. He is currently serving prison time for other crimes.
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