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Home NATIONALBiodegradable dumping ban likely to miss deadline
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Tue, 22 Dec, 2015 12:04:10 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Dec 22
Vantaa Energy Treatment Plant side. File Photo Lehtikuva.
The new ban on biodegradable waste in landfills will not be carried out on time by the turn of the year, reported Finnish language news consortium Lännen Media.
A large number of landfill operators have applied for temporary waivers because they are unable to meet the requirements. Mostly landfills have applied for permits for industrial or business waste.
The Finnish Solid Waste Association (FSWA) told Lännen Media that the waivers are being sought because the existing waste power plant capacity is full and some of the waste has no possibility to be recycled. 
The Association's Managing Director Markku Salo said that the situation should be facilitated until the pending waste power plants are completed.
Finnish Environmental Industries Association CEO Tatu Rauhamäki believes that municipalities should have been better prepared for the reform. According to Rauhamäki, there is the risk that in-cineration, rather than recycling, of waste is increasing.
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