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Home NATIONALSoini slammed for refusing interview to media
Wed, 23 Dec, 2015 12:02:48 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Dec 23

Foreign Affairs Minister TimoSoini,  also the chair of the Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party), is reported to have refused to grant interview to the Swedish newspaper consortium KSF Media, reported the Swedish language daily Hufvudstadsbladet.

According to the paper, Soini refused to allow the Hufvudstadsbladet interview him because the newspaper in a column insinuated that he was a racist.

The column, however, was published in the space allotted for opinions.

Soini, however, did not clarify in which column the insinuations appeared.

According to Soini, the stand also applies to his activities as the foreign minister.

Soini’s aides have until now turned down interviewrequests citing the minister’s busy schedule.

The Hufvudstadsbladet had lodged the interview requests to Soini several months ago.

Soini is said to have also refused to give interview to the KSF Media before the parliamentary elections. He is the only party chair to do so.

Referring to Soini’s ministerial oath in which he committed to act fairly and impartially for the good of the citizens and the society, Hufvudstadsbladet Editor-in-Chief Tommy

Westerlund said, “He has breached the oath by refusing to treat all forms of media in a fair and equal basis by refusing to give interview to the Hufvudstadsbladetin the foreign ministerial capacity.”

Westerlundpresumes Soini is mixing up his roles as the party chair and the foreign minister.

“The difference is substantial,”he said. “The fact that the Hufvudstadsbladet’s policy is far from the Finns Party does not give Foreign Minister Soini the right to deny to be interviewed. Those in power must be able to withstand critical examination. This is clearly difficult for Soini and other known Finns Party politicians.”

The KSF Media is comprised of the Swedish language media outlets Hufvudstadsbladet, VästraNyland, Hangötidningen-Hangonlehti, Östnyland and LoviisanSanomat.

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