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Home NATIONALArchbishop slams govt. for tougher refugee policies
Thu, 24 Dec, 2015 01:03:29 AM
FTimes- Xinhua Report, Dec 24

Archbishop Kari Mäkinen criticized the proposals to reduce social welfare available to refugees in Finland, media reported on Wednesday.

     Ideas of offering less of a social safety net to persons who have obtained residence rights through an asylum process have been expressed by cabinet ministers, but so far not enacted.

     Archbishop Mäkinen warned against making judgments about social security based on a person's background. He said the needs of a refugee family that depends on public welfare assistance are the same as those of a family with a Finnish background.

     The archbishop also criticized plans to issue temporary residence permits and to make family reunification for refugees more difficult. Such measures would slow down their acclimatization to living in Finland, he said.

     Archbishop Mäkinen belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

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