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Home NATIONALMan sentenced to imprisonment for abusing minor sexually
Thu, 24 Dec, 2015 02:03:48 AM
FTimes- STT Report, Dec 24

The Espoo District Court has sentenced a 41-year-old man to three-and-a-half years in prison for sexual offenses against a child. The man was convicted of aggravated child sexual abuse and sexual abuse.

According to the court, the man had abused the child for the first time at age 4, and the acts had continued until the child was 10 years old. The victim said that there had been a one-year break in between the molestations. The girl had spoken to a school counselor about the events more than 5 years after they stopped.

In addition to imprisonment, the man was also stripped of his military rank. He must also pay the victim euro 29,000 in various forms of compensation.

News agency STT did not publish the name of the victim for her protection.

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