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Home NATIONALPesonen made Kokoomus secretary
Sun, 14 Feb, 2016 12:07:40 AM
FTimes – STT Report, Feb 14
The party council held in Vantaa made decision unanimously. Pesonen has been serving as the director of the party’s Helsinki branch.
Pesonen will assume his duties immediately, party sources said.
Pesonen thanked the party councillors for selecting him for the post.
Pesonen is 37 years old and lives in Espoo. He holds a master’s degree in Administrative Sciences. 
He has worked in the past at the Federation of Finnish Enterprises and as the director of the Kokoomus Satakunta branch.
Kokoomus Chairman Alexander Stubb described Pesonen as a strong leader who has solid experience in campaigns and organisation reform.
The previous party secretary, Minna Arve vacated the position to become the director of the Turku Chamber of Commerce. Arve became the party secretary in October 2014.
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