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Home NATIONALFinland hosts series of events focusing EU-Russia relations
Mon, 15 Feb, 2016 12:01:52 AM
FTimes Report, Feb 15
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs will organise a series of public events together with local partners of cooperation with the theme focusing the relations between Finland, the EU and Russia, according to a press release issued on Friday.
The title of the tour of events ‘Finland, the EU and Russia – Where are we now?’ is to be opened in Joensuu in cooperation with the Regional Council of North Karelia.
The topics of discussion will include the repercussions of the Ukraine crisis, the sanctions and the economic situation in Russia.
The speakers would also handle the bilateral relations between Finland and Russia, said the official release.
A public seminar will be arranged in the Carelicum auditorium on Monday. Keynote speakers will be Vesa Kekäle, Media Specialist, Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Johanna Ala-Nikkola, Commercial Counsellor, Department for External Economic Relations from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Opened by the first vice-chair of the Board of the Regional Council of North Karelia Ritva Mahlavuori, the event will be chaired by Counsellor Juha Vänskä from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The tour will continue to Turku on 7 March and Lappeenranta on11 April.
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