Tue, 20 Sep, 2016 12:10:00 AM FTimes – STT Report, Sep 20 File Photo – Lehtikuva. The rank and file of the main opposition Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP) does not want the Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) of the three-party ruling alliance in the government in the next term, found a survey by the Finnish language newspaper consortium Lännen Media.
More than 90 per cent of SDP members want Perussuomalaiset out of the next government.
According to many, Perussuomalaiset’s values are too conservative and nationalist.
About 65 per cent of SDP members would definitely like to see the Kansallinen Kokoomus (National Coalition Party) in the next opposition.
About 77.5 per cent of SDP leaders would like to see the Vihreä liitto (Green League) in the next government, 75 per cent would like to see the Vasemmistoliito (Left Alliance) and 62.5 per cent
would like to see the Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party) in a possible four-party alliance government in the next term.
A total of 373 leaders of social democrats’ organisations and associations took part in the survey.
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